Thursday, 28 April 2016

Indian Constitution - Right to Inequality !

Story of 2 indians

JEE 2012,

My score :192 (I worked my ass off 12 hours a day)
His score :92 (He worked his ass off 2 hours a day)
Yes , we share same college.

College Fees,

I pay INR 30,200/semester. (My family income is less then 5 lacs)
He pays INR 6,600/semester. (His both parents are earning)
Yes, we share same hostel.

Mess Fees,

I pay INR 15000/semester.
He pays INR 15000/semester which is almost reimbursed.
Yes, we share same mess.

Pocket Money,

I spend INR 5000/month (Earned by taking tuition's and some from my dad )
He spends INR 10000/month (Scholarship)
Yes, we share parties.

CAT 2015,

My score : 99 percentile. (Expecting a miscall from IIM)
His score : 63 percentile. (Selected at IIM Ahemedabad)
Yes, I taught him aptitude and reasoning.

OIL Campus recruitement,

Me : Rejected. (My OGPA 8.1)
He : selected. (His OGPA 6.9)
Yes, we studied same course.

Gate Score,

My score : 39.66 (Disqualified and hence no scholarship of INR 1,68,000. )
His score : 26 (Qualified and gets additional scholarship.)
Yes, we shared same notes.

Who am I?
A student from General Category in India.

Doesn't he have two legs to walk?
Doesn't he have a hand to write?
Doesn't he have a mouth to speak?
Doesn't he have a brain to think?

Why aren't we treated equal then?

P.P.S. - we aren't against reservation and neither does this post implies anything offensive. But we ddefinitely say, only deserving ones should get the incentives.

Our Indian Govt. Says we all have equal rights, all men and women are equal. No one ia big or small. Well shit.... nothing is equal. Everything is in favour of SC,ST and OBCs. Where do we all stand...
At the bottom...

If we dont raise a voice for our rights... our coming generation have to survive the same....


Monday, 18 April 2016

Losing Hopes !

Author - Muskaan Chowdhary

"The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips"
So did they.
"Yes," she whispered. "I trust you."
"Don't worry, I will never let you down" he said holding her face in his hands and kissing her lips. This was his first ever kiss.
She fell in love with her best friend even though her best friend was dating someone else, he decided to hold on to her.
Maybe they were made for each other.
She got a hope after being through so much of pain , she tried her best and started trusting people again. And she laid this foundation of trust on a friendship that existed for a long time. She was not aware that he was just thirsty.
Few days after, both were happy he kissed her all over, cuddled and played with her. He had his best day ever, so did she. The next moment when he was supposed to say that " I won't ever leave you" , he left saying that he cannot cheat his girlfriend. Really ? Like Do you really think that having a romantic time with your best friend , giving her hopes that maybe everything will fall in place now was just a mistake ?
She acted maturely and agreed with him. She was not willing to spoil her friendship. But she expected him to comfort her after this atleast. To tell her that it will all be okay. To ask her if she is okay or not. To wipe her tears. But he was more worried about his girlfriend knowing about all this. This is where everything went wrong. That was the moment she decided to remain in solitude. To live alone with only and only herself around. To trust only upon herself and her parents. That was the moment she gave up on people. She gave up on every relation she had. And decided to be selfish and mean. She was again under a lot of struggle and she sat there thinking that she hasn't been enough to people she loved. She never met her bestfriend again and that 9 years of friendship vanished in a fraction of second.