Monday, 29 February 2016

Life ! Are you living it for yourself or for others ?

When a child is born he spend his 2 years to play, learn to walk, learn to speak.
Then he is made to follow to crowd like everyone else does.
He is sent to school to get education.
He is trained to compete other guys of his age on the basis of marks.
He never takes risks just because he fear FAILURE.
Whenever he tries to do something new, the first thing that comes in his mind is that, "What will my friends say if i fail?"
"The society will call me a failure."
"My parents will scold me."
And instead of taking that wise step he moves on. And kills his dream.
He is taught what to think not how to think. He is always told that IIT and AIMS are the only best places u can visit. If you get admission in IIT you will get a good job. And your life will be successful and a lot less stressfull.
For all that education is the key.
He kills his dreams and studies so hard and get till the IIT. but never bothers about his dreams. He keeps his dreams for tommorow. When he gets a job  he says my first dream is complete. And now i will focus on my second dream. But he fails because he has no time left for that.
He spends 10 to 13 hours a day in his office working. And gets home spends time with his family and forgets his dream. After he gets married, he teaches his child to follow the same plan as he did and move along with the crowd.
When he gets old and gets retired from his job. Sitting on the deathbed he realises that he had one more dream to accomplish but dur to his old age his not able to fulfil them.  He regrets those decisions and steps which he didnt took. And died.....

98% people on the Earth have the same life. Getting up going to school/job. Come back take rest. Have fun. Sleep.

But there are 2% of those people on the earth who followed their dreams and are owning 50% of the Earth's wealth. They lived their lives for themselves and Never worried about others thought of them.

I dont say that schools are evil and there is nothing to learn.
Education is not about filling the heads. Its about inspiring ones minds.
We all have different experiemces and thought processes, genes ..  then why a class full of individuals is tested by same means.
Why a student has to study those subjects which he will never ever use in his life ?
How many equations, subjects and dates did you remember just before an exam never to use again?
How many "A" grades did you get, which are never asked when applying for a job?
They all test us with tests but the finals are never finals because they never prepare us for the biggest test which is survival.

One of the biggest problems are parents!
Yeah, Parents are the hardest people to please.

You study for 16 hours . Neither anyone sees nor appreciates. But if you just pick up your ipad, ipod or you cell phone just to see the time.. you are supposed to listen a line. Which says," You hardly study in a day. You are always online on fb, whatsapp. Or always playing that clash of clans, 8 ball etc. You will fail" and a couple more things.
After this scene you are filled with anger and all your concentration is gone and you keep thinking about that all day.

To those parents whose son spend all day playing games on that xbox and ps3.
Well did you knw that there are thousands of people on youtube making money by doing the same and million opportunities in industries related to game. Have you ever touched the controller or cultivated interest ?

Most of the people, on their deathbed, regret what they didnt did in life. They scold themselves what if they did that ?
But at that time they are too late.

So, live your dreams.
If you take big risks you will have a big life.
Hardwork is not about getting "A" grades in exams. Its about doing those things which once seemed impossible.
Face failure.
And please see.. if you are not getting failure is life then you are on the wrong track. And if you are facing failure one after the another then you are on the right track.
I once saw a picture on fb of a man digging, then why give up if you were this close to the box of diamonds.
Only some people can find the stairs of success but only a few of them have the guts/courage to climb.
Take risks, as much as you can. So when you are on your death bed you are seemed to be laughing at what all things you did and the risks you took....
You can do everything in life.
You are a champion.

Stay foolish, stay funny
Never take life too seriously.
Love everyone. Spread happiness.. have the courage to follow your dreams.
Dream bigger. Dont worry how will you achieve it. Just keep focusing on your goals. And do one thing everyday that scares you.
Take one step everyday. And you will reach your destination.

When you reach your destination and look back you will say," DAMN! That was too easy."
And the ones who didnt took risk will just regret.

Because there are 2 types of people in this world the one who are AMAZED and the one who are AMAZING.

So which one are you!

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